22 November 2007

Have You Found the Girl of Your Dreams?

I saw a little story about this on the news and thought it was kinda cool. It's the classic Hollywood love story. Boy sees girl on New York Subway, Boy too shy to say anything, girl gets up and leaves, boy tries everything he can to find girl, boy finds girl, boy and girl fall in love and live happily ever after... We'll see about that last bit...

In this story, the boy made a web site about the chance encounter. One of the girl's friends came upon the site and brought it to her attention. This led to them contacting one another, meeting, going out, blah, blah, blah... Check out the site here. Best of luck to the both of them.



  1. how very neat!

    Love your blog btw. It's everything my blog isn't! (one, being super boring and two, updated abt once a year)

    I'm in the middle of exams and applications and work and family and well the ups in my life. So my flick accnt. is going to be like my blog for a while. I've hid my camera in the closet so I wouldn't get tempted...and have promised myself to try not to check anyone's photos till...well...till there's room on my plate again.


    + keep it up!

  2. Hey you!

    That's so sweet thank you!

    I truly can't say I miss exams, I wish you the best of luck with them! I also know what you mean about the whole finding time to keep this stuff updated, it just goes on and on, it's kind of addictive actually!

    Looking forward to you getting your camera out again and dropping by the photos for coffe and cake :) 'til then, take care, good luck with all the stuff on your plate, and don't forget to eat the vegies too ;)


Thanks for taking the time.