18 November 2007

The Twins

Originally uploaded by Karim M

This is photo from a good friend of mine Karim on Flickr. It's one of those shots you get every now and then that although simple in lighting, composition, and whatever, it just keeps you looking. It's got something that gets you making up stories and scenarios in your own head.

I look at it and it's like one of those scenes out of a movie where the two guys have just seen their first live naked girl, or one of their friends just finished doing something totally disgusting off camera, or they just saw this really weird scene on TV, and a thousand other scenarios that you could come up with based solely on the expressions on their faces.

Nice shot Karim!



  1. Hahaha, I think I'm gonna hold off on revealing the true events that led to the expressions on their faces!

  2. Ahhhh maaaan! It's probably best though, since it'll keep the mystery going.


Thanks for taking the time.