17 May 2010

I've Moved!

This blog has permanently moved to:


Thanks and hope to see you there.


31 March 2010


Sometimes what you didn't prepare for ends up being what you were looking for.


30 March 2010

Last Minutes With Oden

You're gonna feel this one...

Last Minutes with ODEN from phos pictures on Vimeo.

If you can't see the video in your RSS feed or email subscription, just use this link.


19 March 2010


200210 M
240210 K
260210 S
130310 BM
190310 R
090410 MI

No, they're not lotto numbers, although they're just as lucky ;-)


16 March 2010


According to Wikipedia: Serendipity is the effect by which one accidentally stumbles upon something fortunate, especially while looking for something entirely unrelated.

It's derived from Serendip, the Persian name for Sri Lanka. The Persian word itself has been derived from Sanskrit name for Sri Lanka viz. Swarnadweep (Swarna meaning golden and Dweep meaning island)

The word has been translated into many languages (French sérendipicité or sérendipité but also heureux hasard, "fortunate chance"; Italian serendipità; Dutch serendipiteit; German Serendipität; Swedish, Danish and Norwegian serendipitet; Romanian serendipitate; and Spanish serendipia).

Now, let's put aside the definition and etymology of the word. The moment you realise what you've found, eventhough you weren't looking for it... isn't it just fucking fantastic?!


15 March 2010

Jack Davis Test Shots

Jake Davis Test Shots: Tanya Romero from Jake Davis on Vimeo.

If you can't see the video in your RSS feed or email subscription, just use this link.


10 March 2010

Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues - Nina Simone
